According to the box office data, Kambakkht Ishq has grossed around Rs 24.50 crore nett including paid previews over its first weekend. And according to the industry analysts, this is the second biggest first day in history while the first weekend was the fourth biggest in history.
This is despite the fact that Mumbai rains kept many people away on Saturday and Sunday. Delhi/UP and East Punjab is where the collections happened to be truly phenomenal.
While the numbers have fallen over the weekdays, the film should be a hit if not a superhit. I have seen the film, and though it’s not in the same class as Welcome, it’s not a sorry film either. It’s okay-dokay. Not truly a laugh-a-thon. And yes, the Akshay-Kareena chemistry does work here unlike what I had assumed after looking at the film promos. Watch the film for both the stars who make the most of the role given to them. If not for them, the film by any other actor would have failed to draw anyone.
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